House Impeachment wants to call a friend. Merrick Garland Is That Friend.


merrick garland

(Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images).

Jamie Comer, the House Oversight chair, is going to get those Biden boys! Or else he’s going to … ask Merrick Garland to do it for him.

Elmer Fudd has not yet delivered on his promise to impeach the “Biden criminal family” since he became a member of Congress in 2022. Elmer Fudd has spent the last year being humiliated for his attempts to link Hunter Biden’s sleazy behavior to his father. But so far, he has come up empty.

In May, he appeared on Fox News to tell Maria Bartiromo he had misplaced an informant who would have been able to connect all the Biden crimes dots.

Had the informant gotten eaten by lions? A silent ashram was the only place to go. Felled by a president-deployed assassin?

Nope! He was on the run from the feds following his arrest Indicted The Chinese government paid former CIA Director James Woolsey in 2016 to write pro-China articles.


Comer’s Next Whistleblower No better. Alexander Smirnov, FBI informant in 2017, casually mentioned to his handler that Hunter Biden was employed by Burisma. Smirnov remembered suddenly, when Bill Barr’s special prosecutors came knocking on his door in 2020, that he had met with Burisma executives in 2015 and 2016, where they talked about the millions of bribes paid to Joe and Hunter Biden. It was transparently bullshit — Smirnov’s own travel records and emails disproved his claims. Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley, however, continued to tout Smirnov’s claims as a smoking-gun, even after he was also found to be false. Indicted For lying to the FBI

Clearly, these members of Congress couldn’t find their own … members … with two hands and a map. Their Democratic colleagues know it. Rep. Jared Moskowitz is daring them to hold a vote on the impeachment.

“I’ll move the motion, Mr. Chairperson.” “I want to help you,” he said. “You can second this.”

Comer fumed as Jim Jordan, the Judiciary chair, king of pointless floor stunts, laughed with grudging respect.

“They won’t impeach Joe Biden.” It will never happen, because the evidence isn’t there! Moskowitz screamed into the cameras with glee, pointing out how Republican members resigned rather than take part in this idiotic charade.

He then began beating the Republicans’ last witness, a slimy dunderhead Tony Bobulinski, who has promised for four years that he will deliver on Hunter and Joe Biden.

“Ask Tony why the chairman hasn’t called on impeachment.” He’s here, ask Comer!” Moskowitz shouted cheerfully.

He concluded: “I spent my entire time to show that they will never vote for Joe Biden, because there is no evidence.” “I give back.”

It seems that Moskowitz was right. Recent reports in the Washington Post The following are some examples of how to get started: The Hill Comer and co. are looking for an off-ramp to avoid having this motion brought to a vote in committee, let alone the floor.

What if the students ask Attorney General Merrick G. Garland to complete their homework?

They could get themselves out of the mess by referring a criminal case to the DOJ. Then UNDERPANTS GNOMES, and then COVER HER!

Comer told Newsmax that last week “it’s always about holding them accountable”, as if the shambolic retreat was all part of a plan. “The way we’re going do” [it] Accountability has always been best achieved through the use of evidence. We’ve proved wrongdoing. It’s now time to hold the people accountable. “That’s what we are going to do.”

There are a few small problems with this. First, the referral is not binding and the DOJ may ignore it. Second, a criminal referral must include specific allegations. crimesThese brain geniuses are yet to find any. Robert Hur and David Weiss should have found out if there was anything other than the pissant charges of gun and tax fraud. Finally, it’s unclear if they have the votes necessary to pass the entire case on to the man whom they’ve accused of a massive cover-up for years.

You’re doing well, my dear!

Liz Dye She is based in Baltimore and produces the Law and Chaos Substack The following are some examples of how to get started: podcast.


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