Trump Celebrates Gag order by Attacking NY Judge’s Family


President Trump Calls Prime Minister Of Ireland From Oval Office

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images).

Yesterday Donald Trump received another slap. gag orderHe once again celebrated this with a sustained attack against the judge and his entire family. Stay classy!

Trump has a long history of directing his followers’ vitriol — and worse — at his enemies. His social media posts have put at risk everyone from Atlanta poll workers Ruby Freeman, Shaya Moss, Judge Tanya Chutkan to former Arizona House speaker Rusty Bowers. In fact, the District Attorney’s Motion to restrict extrajudicial remarks The document is 331-pages long and contains a lot of exhibits, which show the terror that Trump’s rage cannon has caused to everyone from jurors to officials in court.

This is why he was already gagged in two separate court cases.

The first gag order was issued by Justice Arthur Engoron during the civil fraud trial after Trump had attacked the judge’s clerk, posting on social media her photo and falsely labeling Schumer as his “girlfriend.” Trump screamed about the gross violation to his First Amendment rights and his lawyers Appealed. But the First Judicial Department endorsed The order was in place during the trial.

The second ban was issued by Judge Chutkan in the case of election interfering in DC. After sustained attacks against the prosecutors, the court, and especially the witnesses, the court imposed an limited gag, which the DC Circuit largely approved.

Justice Juan Merchan knew that the First Amendment and New York Law would allow him to prohibit the defendant from attacking witnesses, court personnel, and line prosecutors. The DA’s request was indeed a good one. Mirrored The DC order is similar, with a minor addition that “making or directing other to make public statements” about any potential juror or jurors in this criminal proceeding.

Trump, in this case as in other cases, argued that preventing him from endangering those participating in the proceedings amounted to interference in his campaign. Justice Merchan, as in other cases, was not amused.

Defendant claims that, as “the presumptive Republican nominee and the leading candidate in the election of 2024”, he must be able to have unrestricted voting access so he can respond to attacks by political opponents and “criticize” these public figures. These extrajudicial comments went beyond defending him against “attacks by public figures”. His statements were threatening and inflammatory. They also denigrated individuals, including grand jurors who were performing their civic duty. The statements not only caused fear among the targeted individuals, but also led to increased security resources being assigned to investigate threats and protect them and their family members. These inflammatory extrajudicial comments are bound to disrupt the smooth administration of this Court.

“[G]As we approach the trial, it is clear that the imminent danger of harm has become paramount,” the court concluded. It imposed the order as requested.

Trump naturally celebrated by posting a series of three posts on Truth Social in which he took direct aim at Justice Merchan’s daughter.

Page 2: So, let me get this straight, the Judge's daughter is allowed to post pictures of her

The rampage does not appear to be in violation of the gag orders, which do not cover the judge or his family. It is an incredibly disturbing story. interesting strategy Antagonize someone who has already sent you to prison and could send you there. Please see below for a suggested way to pronounce the word Your lawyers have delayed the case through an act of shocking bad faith. But, once again, Trump appears to have decided that his short term political imperatives — or absolute lack of impulse control — is more important than a coherent legal plan. Trump did the exact same thing with Justice Engoron. He immediately shifted to Spouting lies When he was prevented from attacking the clerk, he spoke about the jurist’s son and wife.

Yesterday, Justice Merchan issued a similar decision. The scathing verdict The court’s order of March 8 prohibiting the parties from filing any further motions without the permission of the court. Trump’s lawyers ignored the previous ruling and complained that it violated their Sixth Amendment.

The court has noticed:

‘The Court’s Order of March 8 was issued at approximately 4:10pm. The defendant filed a “pre motion letter” at 7:57pm on that evening. It sought discovery sanctions. The “pre motion letter” was accompanied with a notice motion, a motion containing 51 pages and 214 exhibits. In the email cover, Defendant stated they would “communicate [with] the People regarding redactions before filing.” In essence, Defendant ignored this Court’s order regarding the filing motions. In response, the Court sent out an e mail at 9:17pm to remind all parties of its earlier order. This Court acted within the bounds of its authority, and showed restraint.

Both times:

Despite Court’s emailed order of March 8, on Sunday, March 10th, 2024, between 5:17pm and 5:30pm, Defendant sent three additional pre-motion letters, including the one which is the topic of this Decision and Order. In an apparent attempt to circumvent the Court’s order and e-mail from March 8, the Defendant did not “attach” this time a motion, notice of motion or exhibits. Instead, the motion with accompanying submissions was appended to pre-motion letter in the form of “exhibits.”

Justice Merchan, in concluding yesterday’s ruling, reminded the counsel that “a record court has the power of punishing a person who is guilty of criminal contempt. . . [w]He added that he expects that “the line between zealous advocacy of its orders and willful disregard will not be crossed.”

What is going on? Swimmingly.

The jury selection process begins on April 15th. Godspeed.

Liz Dye She lives in Baltimore, where she produces Law and Chaos Substack You can also find out more about the following: podcast.


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